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Introduction to Computer Science

Computer Science Department


Dr. Mark Russo

Classes/Office Hours

Online: M & TH 7:00-9:00pm

  • EMAIL WITH ANY ISSUES PERTAINING TO THE COURSE. The Course Coordination Team (aka me, Mary) will respond to you as soon as possible (up to 3 business days)
    • Include [CS111] and a short description of the issue to the EMAIL SUBJECT to help speed up replies
  • If the question can be answered by looking in Canvas/Piazza/Syllabus I won’t be responding right away 🙂
    • Assignment questions please go to Piazza so that other students (or myself) can answer

Lead Teaching Assistants

Mary Buist

Office Hours

Wednesdays @7pm

  • discuss and clarify course content and assignments
  • hang out in case you have nothing else to do (this may be a bit awkward since it’ll be on Zoom but you can always come ask cs related questions)

Other Course Staff

  • Summer CAVE iLab assistant: Elian
    • Hours: Mon-Thurs from 1:00-6:00pm
  • Graders:
    • Grades Exam 1, Exam 2 and final